Chiropractic for Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the female body goes through notable biomechanical changes to accommodate the growing fetus. The postural adaptations that take place during pregnancy place more demand and stress on the spine and pelvic joints, muscles, and ligaments. As a result, women can experience pain or suboptimal function which can impact the pregnancy experiences or outcomes in labor and delivery.
This is where Prenatal Chiropractic Care can completely transform the pregnancy experience by optimizing balance in the pelvic structures and removing torsion of the ligaments that support the uterus. Not only can this provide relief of discomfort to the mother, but the techniques utilized also allow the baby greater room to develop without restriction and to get into the best position possible for birth.
Chiropractic care from a prenatal trained chiropractor is safe and effective. We use special pillows to accommodate all stages of pregnancy so that you can safely lie on your belly during your evaluation and treatment. The Webster Technique is the method utilized to ensure the best outcomes possible. Developed by the late Larry Webster, DC, this technique releases stress on the pelvis, relaxes the surrounding ligaments, and reduces misalignment to restore optimal function. The frequency in which a woman is recommended to receive care is based on their goals as well as their history and examination. The doctors in our office who treat this demographic maintain their Webster Certification and receive regular training from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) to stay up to date on the latest advances.
Read more about pubic bone dysfunction and daily activities that may be making it worse.