What is Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine is a systems based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Rather than addressing symptoms with medications, functional medicine uncovers the deeper causes behind the symptoms; it is often described as “root-cause medicine.” We consider nutrition, mental/emotional health, movement, restorative rest, and relationships, as they all significantly contribute to our overall health. As far as treatment, options are much broader than traditional pharmaceutical medicine alone, and in-depth lab testing provides more objective data. Functional medicine commonly addresses hormones, thyroid, gut testing, environmental toxins, and micronutrient status.
How is Functional Medicine practiced?
Your Functional Medicine journey begins with a thorough clinical assessment with Dr. Osmer. This includes a detailed discussion about your current health concerns, your goals of seeking care, perform a physical exam, and dive into the interactions between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence your long-term health. Together, we will mutually agree on a plan that puts you in control.
Testing is commonly recommended and may be done through a combination of blood work, hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), urine, stool, or saliva testing. These tests are critical to functional medicine's success in order to get a thorough look at the body systems and common places where dysfunction hides in the body.
Following the completion of the recommended testing, the first follow up visit will last 60-120 minutes in order to provide a detailed explanation of your test results and a plan of action taking into account your goals and lifestyle. During the shared decision making process, we will work to help you implement personalized nutrition and supplementation recommendations, movement based therapies, and lifestyle changes.
Based on your individual case, check in visits and follow up testing will be recommended to ensure you get the most out of your Functional Medicine journey.
We are excited to be able to offer telemedicine services for Functional Medicine. While we love seeing patients in person, the ability to work virtually allows us to help more people!
Why Would Someone Choose Functional Medicine
You’ve been endlessly searching for answers for why you don’t feel your best.
Patients often come to us after unsuccessfully searching for answers to their health concerns. Maybe they have commonly seen several providers who tell them “everything is normal” and that medications and surgery are an option down the road if things get worse. Or maybe they are overwhelmed at the barrage of information available online, unsure how to implement or what would be the best option for their individual needs. Functional Medicine takes the time to do a deep dive in order to understand every piece of your personal puzzle and offer a treatment plan tailored to you.
You’ve been diagnosed and want to incorporate a natural approach to your treatment plan.
When dealing with a chronic condition or illness, you may be curious about additional treatment options to aid in your recovery or management to help you feel your best. Functional Medicine can complement your health goals naturally and keep in mind the other aspects of your treatment plan from other providers.
You want to optimize your health.
You may already be living a healthy lifestyle and are curious to gain more insight into how well you are doing or what could be optimized. Functional Medicine teaches you how to unlock the details you need to thrive and function at your very best. By monitoring your health status, you can build the healthiest foundation possible and live your most vibrant life!
FLOW Education
"Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease. The traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice is shifted to a more patient-centered approach.”
-The Institute for Functional Medicine "
Read more about what to expect at your initial Functional Medicine visit.