Have you heard of the Sleepy Mocktail? It is trending on social media and it is a trend I support! This drink supports our body’s own melatonin production plus it gives you a bump of magnesium which most people need to support anyways!

I love being able to provide delicious but also therapeutic alternatives to drinking alcohol in the evening. We know with absolute certainty that alcohol wrecks havoc on your body. Finding alternatives to an evening drink that actually supports your health is a big win.


  • 1/2 cup Tart Cherry Juice: Make sure to buy one that is 100% cherry juice. Cherries support melatonin production they are a great antioxidant to help reduce inflammation.

  • 1/2 - 1 TBSP Magnesium Powder: Magnesium is a “miracle mineral” that can help with muscle relaxation, headaches, anxiety, constipation, menstrual cramps, relaxation…and sleep. Magnesium is used in over 300 cellular processes in our body, which is unfortunate for the large portion of people who are deficient in it.

  • 3 oz Sparkling Water , Seltzer, or a Prebiotic Soda to give it a bit of fizz.

  • Having a fun cocktail glass and shaker on hand is a bonus!

How to Make:

  1. In a cocktail glass, combine ice, cherry juice and magnesium powder.

  2. Shake for 10-15 seconds until well-chilled.

  3. Pour the mixture into a wine glass or a cocktail glass of choice.

  4. Top with bubbly prebiotic soda, sparkling water, or seltzer.

  5. Garnish with Lemon, Lime, or herbs such as Mint or Rosemary.


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